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Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Most Obnoxious Patient

When I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease my doc suspected that I had been living with the condition for 2-3 years. I have a major problem with this. Why had none of the bazillion doctors I had seen in the past 2 years made the connection?! I’ll tell you why - doctors are not gods, they make mistakes like everyone else, and for the most part are overwhelmed and uninterested in doing any extra research.

According to Healthgrades.com, a reputable healthcare quality company, an average of 195,000 people in the U.S. died due to preventable, in-hospital medical errors in each of the years 2000, 2001 and 2002. I will not be another statistic. Had my condition gone undiagnosed for much longer it is very likely that I could have died from complications of my disease.

Unbeknown to me my GYN had Ulcerative Colitis. When I was seen for my annual visit she took one look at my bloodwork and told me to immediately see a GI doctor, only then did I receive the proper diagnosis. Never mind the hematologist, the 3 rheumatologists, the sports injury specialist, the chiropractor, and my general physician that I had been seen by over the last 2 years, all of whom had my bloodwork and knowledge of my ongoing symptoms; which were all red flags for IBD.

I am proud to admit that I am now one of the most obnoxious patients a doctor will ever come across, why? Because I research, I ask questions, I come to appointments armed with detailed notes on what I can argue with my doctor about on any particular visit. I’m not going to let my doctors slip up, I’m going to make sure they are paying attention.

It is so very important to become an active part of your own treatment team, become a helpful partner in managing your own health care. Many doctors will be threatened by this, most doctors don’t like when you question their particular form of treatment. If this is the case, find a new doctor!!

I am now an informed patient who takes full responsibility for MY health agenda. I am the only advocate for my body and if my doctor has a problem with 20 plus questions – NEXT!

After all we are the ones living with these diseases, not them.


  1. What a process. I'm so sorry you're going through all this, but good for you for taking control. You're right, you're the patient, it is your body.

    I haven't read too much about your conditions, but have you looked into the paleo diet before? I read a lot of similar symptoms on Mark's daily Apple that have been lessened with the diet. I'm sure you've tried and heard of everything, but I thought I'd throw it out there in case you haven't!

  2. Thank you for your comment. I haven't heard of the paleo diet. I will definitely look into it, thanks for the tip.

    Luckily I'm doing very well. A diet for Crohn's disease is really on a case by case basis as to what works and what doesn't. After much trial and error I finally have it down!
